USRSA Certification Program
The USRSA initiated the original stringer Certification program in 1986 to recognize individuals with a high level of stringing competence with the Certified Stringer (CS) designation. Certified Stringers are tested on their skills in stringing, gripping, handle sizing, and grommet replacement. They are also tested on their knowledge of Frame Inspection, Mounting, String Installation, String Technology, and Customer Service. Today’s certification program has grown to recognize and reward racquet sports retailing and service professionals who demonstrate superior technical competence and product knowledge in racquet sports with two additional certifications.

In 1993, the certification of Master Racquet Technician (MRT) was launched with the racquet sports industry lined up solidly behind the program, all lending full support to this leading-edge program and its on-going consumer education drive. Racquet technicians who pass the MRT certification exam are considered the best in the business. Our logo contains the phrase “The Symbol of Excellence in Racquet Service,” and that is embodied with our MRTs. The MRT exam requires all the knowledge and skills for our other certifications plus even more. It is our highest certification and is held in the highest regard worldwide.
It is the intention of the USRSA that this certificate is considered by:
- Consumers, when selecting a racquet technician
- Employers, when hiring a new racquet technician

Certification by the USRSA, whether as a Master Racquet Technician or as a Certified Stringer, involves a comprehensive written exam and detailed practical exams. Both measure your understanding and skills with respect to all facets of racquet service — installing grommets and string, regripping, handle sizing and customizing weight, balance and swingweight. Additionally, to attain MRT status, you’ll be required to demonstrate understanding of current frame and string technologies and how those technologies translate to player satisfaction, as well as how to customize a racquet to better meet the needs of the player.
Professional Racquet Advisor (PRA) provides certification for individuals working in the industry who are called upon to provide their expertise regarding racquet and strings but don’t actually service the racquets. These individuals, including coaches, teaching professionals, sales professionals and shop staff, must pass a comprehensive written exam covering all aspects of frame and string technologies, as well as well as demonstrate their ability to apply that knowledge in fitting players with the best racquet and string set-up for their game.

Both MRTs and PRAs must pass an annual update exam to ensure that they are up to date on all the latest technologies.
The USRSA Certification Program will:
- Set a standard of excellence in racquet service and product knowledge
- Encourage and promote professionalism in the racquet sports industry
- Instill consumer confidence in racquet stringers and technicians
- Expand the availability of expert racquet stringers and technicians
- Endorse the competence of qualified racquet stringers and technicians
For more information:
If you have any questions, e-mail us or phone Certification Testing at 760-536-1177 extension 13.